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Join date : 2024-06-12

Message Policy Empty Message Policy

Mon Jul 01, 2024 4:57 pm
Hello members.
Messages are a key thing when it comes to forums, of course! But there are some restrictions in place so that members don't feel hurt of upset by them.
Any message will be deleted or get its owner banned if it violates these rules:
1) It must be kind. Consider the others and make sure it does not upset someone. The message will be deleted and you will recieve a written warning on your page.
2) It must not contain any swear words. Swearing is a serious offense when it comes to our forums. The message will be deleted and the owner will recieve a 5-day ban.
3) It must not spread rumors. Having false rumors will get the message deleted and its owner banned for 3 days.
4) It must not contain any false informaton (that means in staff applications, reports and bug reports). If it is an application, it will get denied and the author will get a written warning.
5) It must not leak anything about staff information. Having important staff information being leaked will get the author banned for 10 days and the message removed from the forums.
6) It must not be irrelevant, otherwise you will get a 1-day ban for farming posts.
7) You must not talk about explicit content otherwise the members of the conversation will get a 2-day ban.
8. You must not repeatedly spam otherwise you will have your permissions removed for 5 days.
9) It must not have dangerous links. If so, the message will be removed and the author will have their account deleted.

I hope this has helped you.
Have fun posting!

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